quarta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2010


 Jorn Barger was the author of the "world web blogger". Blog is the short form of the webbloger. It's a place to write things of one's day by day. The person who creates a blog is a blogger. On a blog, you can publish things of your life, what you like and other things. Blogs can be public, private, collective or individual.

quinta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2010

Unit 1 - Part B

I am Henrique Lage Ferreira Ferrer. My nickname is ''Ferrer''. I am eleven years old. My birthday is on March 21. I'm from Ipatinga, Minas, Brasil. I study at Number One School in Cariru. My regular school is ''CSFX'' and I'm in the sixth grade . I have tennis lessons and soccer lessons. It's very good! On weekdays, I usually study at ''CSFX'' in the morning.
In the afternoon, I study English at Number One on Mondays and Wednesdays; play soccer on Tuesdays and Thursdays and in the evening, I play tennis on Mondays and watch the TV.

Unit 1 - Part A

Jorn Barger was the author of the word ''weblog''. Blog is a place to write thinks of day-by-day. The person who creates a blog is a blogger. On a blog, one can publish thinks of  his life , what his favorite food, music, sport subject is and others. Blogs aren't necessarily public and it can be collective or individual.

quarta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2010

Unit 1 - Part A raquel .-.

The blog is a short form of weblog. A blog is a page on internet where you write what you like, who you are, etc. Everyone can create a blog, you just need to have an e-mail account. You can publish what you want. A blog isn't necessarily public, but if you want, your can be public. The blogs can be individual or collective. The person who creates a blog is a blogger.